Legal assistance for the development of private social investment projects. Establishment of associations and private foundations, contracting of partnerships, guidance and planning for better use of legal benefits and tax incentives, qualifications and degrees granted by the government.

Preventive legal due diligence and planning of private social investment, social responsibility and human rights practices.

Monitoring, preparation of defenses and appeals in municipal, state and federal administrative processes of non-profit entities, as well as monitoring of inspections and other pleadings before various organs of public administration, among which, the Federal Revenue of Brazil and Ministries of Social Development and Fight against Hunger, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health.

Consultancy for companies in the development and strengthening of their social responsibility and sustainability departments, minimizing risks and identifying new opportunities. Legal assistance in all demands faced by companies that needed to include in their planning, projects of collective interest, providing legal security to social responsibility.

Guidance for investments in cultural projects, due to the complexity of these productions, through specialized legal assistance regarding incentives. Formal establishment of cultural projects, guidance for approval by the Ministry of Culture, adequacy of initiatives to obtain tax incentives from the Rouanet Law, preparation of agreements between the parties involved and negotiation of sponsorships and donations.

Legal assistance on the structuring of social businesses, as well as on the development of impact investing funds (together with the practice of Banking, Finance and Investment Funds) and the implementation of human rights practices in companies, analysis of risks, benefits and opportunities.